While I really applaud your courage at going outside of your comfort zones, I came to the conclusion early on that this would not really be a good time or place to stray off the beaten path. That seems to have proven true on several occasions throughout the competition, and therein lies my concern.
Nevertheless, there's a lot here that I really enjoy, even though it was anything but business as usual for you. The intro feels a bit lackluster, but that first transition and hometown itself really make up for it. I think that having each section tell its own story within a story is a nice touch, so that seems like a good takeaway from Skye's lack-of-originality pronouncements. I really enjoy the unique way that you musically depicted a train ride.
Oh man, that ending is godawful. Knowing the story behind it did totally crack me up, though! I guess that's just how you...troll. :3 Ah, kitsch. Anyway, it was thoroughly fun to listen to. Best of luck!