
276 Audio Reviews

217 w/ Responses

I'm glad that you were able to save this piece from oblivion!

It's incredibly pretty, and I have always had a particular soft spot in my heart for all things piano--especially when it's played so beautifully. The soft chimes that exist throughout the background, as well as the crescent cymbals and descending chime that chases it make for a very simple yet effective and - dare I say, appropriate - percussion. While the other instruments come into the mix fairly late, they add just the right kind of harmony to the mix. I definitely hear flute in there, and what also sounds like clarinet and oboe, filling things out very nicely before it circles back around quite nicely to the beginning.

I'm not sure why, but it seems like new looping submissions end up getting a tiny little "pop" right when it comes back around to the beginning for some reason. It inexplicably happened to the last track I uploaded, and I hear it again here, so that's a shame. Hoping they get that ironed out soon.

Mmhmm, that is so very nice! The Grandeur is pretty aptly named, if you ask me. Of course it takes someone talented to tickle those ivories (no, not ovaries) so well and summon up such a pretty and soulful sound.

A very inspirational piece to listen to, with an exceptional mixture of light, airy, and more delicate piano strains and the more sweeping, forceful, and resonating moments. There's a lot of personality to the music, if that makes any sense. It seems almost to breathe and have its own heartbeat, a thoroughly enjoyable experience, like meeting someone for the first time and feeling like you're already old friends.

Well, suffice to say, I obviously like this piano composition very much, which is glaringly obvious when I've listened to it at least half a dozen times already. Keep right on doing what you're doing, Lucid, and best of luck on that insane academic workload! I am truly glad that you can still make the time to sit in front of those eighty-eight keys and bring them to life.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Ooh, another review! Thank you!

OMG have you actually read Phyrnna's and my interactions in review form, and somehow recalled them?

"Cheers to fellow pianists playing their hearts out on the ivories~! \^o^/ <3"

"Don't judge me, but the first time I read this, I read "ovaries" instead of "ivories", and i was like... Wat? o.O"

You must have xD

Yeah, I definitely love the fact that I finally have a few nice Piano VST instruments to use, after all this time. The Maverick is a really nice one as well, though I have yet to upload anything where I use it.

I agree that music has a lot of personality to it. I always do my best to play genuinely, as I know for a fact that it can be heard in the music produced :)
I'm really glad to hear that you like this composition/improvisation that much! I'm really happy with what came out of the little idea I had when I made this!

"at least half a dozen times already"

That is a lot :O!
Thank you o.o

I'll do my best to stay alive through this final barrage of school work (for a few months, at least), so that I can produce more (hopefully) enjoyable stuff in the future as well :)

Thanks for reviewing, and for showing your appreciation for my music. I appreciate it quite a bit <3

Hey there, Lucid! I hope that all is well with you, and it sure is fine to hear more lovely piano submissions from you of late.

As a fan of the Persona series, I am quite familiar with Atlas and its unique and varied offerings, so while I have never personally played either of the Trine titles, they have definitely been on my radar for quite some time. Knowing that you're a fan makes me even more eager to try it for myself. :D

In regards to the music itself, while I know as little about the tracks as I do the game itself, this is a really beautiful and rousing piece. I love a good suspended chord, and you've made excellent use of them here. Some of the early call and response moments sound a bit strong in contrast to the slightly softer, lower register. Just my opinion of course, but I would have preferred a softer, more delicate tone for at least the high notes that come in on the 30-second mark. Once the overall velocity increases, though, everything sounds nice and natural.

Another fantastic submission, man! Wonderfully played, and thank you for deciding to share this here. I would have totally caught it on your YouTube channel, but hey--why limit oneself?

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

That was fast! Thank you for immediately writing out a relatively long and detailed response :D
As I arranged this today, it feels much like instant feedback, which is always great xD

I definitely recommend the Trine games, especially the first two. I haven't played the Thrid yet, but rumor goes it doesn't live up to its name. Either way, they are beautiful games, which are incredibly fun to play with friends :)

The music is also wonderful, to say the least. It is made by Ari Pulkkinen, who funnily enough, also composes the music for the Angry Birds series :'D
They are both Finnish games, as is Ari (you heard it here first; Ari Pulkkinen is a Finnish game!).

Yeah, you're probably right in your criticism. I arranged this really quickly, and didn't really pay too much mind to the velocity of those call and response parts. In my defence, it may sound extra harsh, because "The Grandeur", which is the VST used, has a relatively bright sound, especially in the high octaves. Then again, I could've just turned down the overall brightness by using the "tone" knob xD
That said, it might've caused the lower register to sound muddy!

So we're left with the fact that I should've just played them softer :D
Sorry for the random train of thought there x'D

I'm glad to hear that you liked this submission, in general :)
I am doing okay, although I'm a bit stressed out with all my school related stuff lately. I hope you are doing well, as well!

Thank you for your kind words :)

All my yes! Just like you, I have always loved DKC and its music with a passion. It's certainly one of the many influences that inspire me to make music. There are so many incredible tracks on the OST and this one has always been at the top of the list.

This is an exceedingly faithful cover/remake...and then some. Suffice to say, you totally nailed the original's feel and cranked it up a notch. If anything can be nitpicked even remotely, I'd say that the lead guitar could have just a touch more presence within the mix. It doesn't seem quite as loud as some of the other instruments.

All in all, this is one hell of a nostalgia trip! That intro shines like a supernova and really dives headfirst into that sweet, piratical goodness. And those ambient ship at sea effects are perfection. Five stars, easy.

A truly lovely accompaniment to your sister's tale. While I listened I also read and it did indeed feel as though the music and words were speaking within and through each other, sound intertwining beautifully with poetic musings.

The timing was perfect as I finished the story and listened to the last few moments of your song echoing across my consciousness. Together they made for a very effective method of absorption, and the experience was - and shall remain - a singularly unique one.

Very well done, both of you. Wonderfully written and played. These two mediums deserve to be melded together into a single project. I'm just not sure if the words should be left to the reader or spoken aloud by a vocal talent. I feel as though either would serve. I'd offer my own voice, but I feel like a female voice would be better suited...maybe Piper? Suffice to say, I can't help but feel as though this could be something even bigger.

Welp, I've prattled on long enough! You do leave an impression, Lucid. Bravo.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

I'm super pleased to hear that most people find that the music and the story fit well together, as that is what I was going for :D
My sister wants to thank you for the nice words, too!

I've seen some soundtracks being made for artworks before, some for books, and some for graphic novels and such. I think it's quite a nice way to add another layer to the text. It's good practice, too!

I hadn't even thought of that idea! I could always ask my sister if she wants to read it out lound. Maybe, maybe not? Thank you for the wonderful idea! We'll see what happens.

You, on the other hand, leave quite an impression through your kind words, and through your nice use of the language. I know I have one new track of yours which I haven't reviewed yet, but I'm dead tired.

Thank you, and good night!

Definitely not your usual fare, that's for sure. A very intriguing and wonderfully discordant tune, which is what I'm sure ultimately makes it a perfect fit for the BRUCE project. Ominous and creepy, but also fun in a really interesting way if you like eerie stuff--which I do!

It feels like just the right amount of time lapses before the intro crashes into existence once the final notes have are fading, so the loop sounds very clean. And man, you make that saxophone - which is a really hard instrument to use well from a VST perspective - sound quite good. I think the only song I've ever added sax to for release on Newgrounds was Echoes of Fading Dreams, which is of course a remix of your general MIDI track made for the NGDIC, Fading Dreams. Thought you might enjoy that fun little factoid. (;

I'm not entirely sure how many times I've listened to this now, to be honest. I just stop and listen for a bit, then go on writing my review some more. Audra must be a pretty bizarre and unique character to earn herself a theme like this, n'est-ce pas? :D

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Nope! A sound similar to what you hear here, is what was requested; that's why it's a bit different! But I'm glad it is, as it's always good to explore new areas :D
I did my very best to produce an interesting blend of sounds, in order to capture the creepines, a sense of "royalty", perhaps (with the timpani), and even some other feelings with the sax. Especially the choir, serves a certain purpose.

I could've made the loop even more smooth, but I like the idea of a short break for this one. Especially as the ending is a bit climactic. I'm pleased to hear that you find that to work well! I was a bit worried about the sax, as it isn't as good a sample as the rest of the intruments. I also wrote a pretty uncoventional melody for it :p
Apart from that, it's slightly drowned by the timpani, on some speakers. While this sax is okay in the end, I'm more fond of the way I managed to use a soundfont to write some okay melodies in another track:


And ahh yes, I remember your version of "Fading Dreams" very well. It's my favorite one (though there's another good one), so thank you once again for doing it! I did enjoy that facr for sure xD

Audra is definitely a bit of a special character. Out of all the tracks, I wanted her theme to stand out the most (more pieces of interesting music for BRUCE are still coming, eventually) [aka, "oui"].

Thank you for writing a nice review! :3
I'm really behind on all online stuff atm, as I'm too busy with studies >_>
I hope I'll have some more stuff to respond to people soon :p

Oh, so pretty! I'm not all that familiar with the anime, though the melody is strangely familiar. I do listen to a lot of random anime music playlists on YouTube while otherwise engaged, so I'm sure I've heard it before. Suffice to say, you play it beautifully! It's so bright and fun, and it sounds like there's some kind of soft oscillation going on that enhances the stereo field.

I really love all the great piano tracks you make, LSD! I'm totally biased because it's my favourite instrument, but hey--so be it. ^__~

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks a lot, Chrono :3
This is one of my favorite animes, but as I mentioned in the description, it's not very well known. You may very well have heard it before!
A video of it can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXDC0-cjdnA

Part of this piano version is based off of a version in the anime that is not on the OST, for some reason.
I really want to watch a new anime now, but I know I don't really have time... Ugh...

Thanks a lot for all the compliments! The piano is my favorite intrument too, hehhe, so I'm glad you like it :D

A very johnfn track, to be sure! I enjoyed the sound quite a bit, and I really like the pacing. The timing of the notes works very well, and - as you hinted at in your comments - there's a lot of really cool stuff going on in the background. I listened with a critical ear to all those little nuances that make the music so rich.

Once again the ending is cut off with undue suddenness, and that's always going to be one of my personal pet peeves. It's like watching a really good movie and having the power go out during the conclusion. I also felt that some of the call and response sections sounded too much like the main melody, and I couldn't help but think that a different instrument choice would have been better suited. I know going up (or down) an octave is standard procedure, but it seems less effective here due to the nature of the synth.

johnfn responds:


(EDIT: I updated the song and fixed most of these issues, except i made the ending worse because HA HA HA HAHAAAAAAAA)

Oh yeah, I love this! It's really energetic and fun. You've got a nice solid dance beat behind the music, a nice frenetic chord progression with some sweet arps, and the ending just plain works well.

I can picture this playing during a date between Mario and Princess Peach. Probably one where Bowser's off in the background, attempting to ruin it for them the entire time, and totally botching the job...so much that they never even notice his scheming. And in the end Bowser manages to blow himself up in spectacular fashion, thereby treating Mario and Peach to a fantastic fireworks display at the end of their incredible date night. xD

Evilgrapez responds:

Thanks! Haha, that's a funny scenario. I can totally see that happening! If someone were to make a flash movie of that with this playing in the background, I'd watch it! :P

Oh and also, funny thing, I used Peach and Triforce for this song, too, like your Pixel Day submission. You might have recognized some sounds from Peach. :P

Just thought I'd mention that. Thanks for the review!

I simply closed my eyes and allowed the music wash over me. The rich arpeggios and dynamic contrasts, weaving together a beautiful musical tapestry, simply carried me along the ebb and flow. Six minutes that felt like a single moment.

And then I listened a second time, taking the time to read your Author Comments and smile at the thought of that temporarily neglected report...

Then once more for an encore as I jot down a few ephemeral thoughts for you, my friend. Thank you for the memory. :)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Ahh, yes. I love just losing myself in what I'm listening to. I actually often just cover myself in my blanket, and lie there with headphones on and eyes closed. Simply listening to, and momentarily living through the music.

It's good to hear that the 6 minutes didn't feel dragged out. I've admired Phonometrologist's ability to write long tracks, that feel like a moment and like they end almost too quickly. I was a bit worried that the slow sections would bore many listeners out (and based on the score, it may have for some, but that's fine).

Ahh, yes. The report. It pains me to tell you that now; right now. I need to write it :'(
I am the worst and the laziest procrastinator out there, I think.

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen to such a long track, and for writing out your nice thoughts! It means a lot :3

I'm just a guy who enjoys a wide variety of artistic pursuits, both professionally and in my free time. Please check out my musical repertoire, and if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to leave a review or send me a message.

Age 48, Male

Enigmatic Paradox

University of Hard Knocks

Michigan, US of A

Joined on 2/10/05

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