Woo! I've been on some kind of crazy review-leaving binge, but I think this will be my last one for now. When the ears start getting tired, the mind seems to follow.
First of all, I get a lot of seriously nostalgic VG vibes off of this track, man. Definitely some of those classic Final Fantasy feels, but also a really fun dose of Chrono Trigger--especially with that sitar section! Really loving all of that, to be sure.
The ambience of the music pairs well with Moonshen's sweet FF7 art, as far as I'm concerned. My only real gripe is that it's basically the same thing...twice. Yeah, I know that there are differences between the two, but I'd really love to hear more variance in there. Maybe even a section that ramps up the tension a little, since the overall vibe remains pretty chill. It's like all the tension remains just below the surface, begging to come out and play.
You've got some really interesting note-slides applied to the main lead, and I half expected some of them to end up sounding a bit off. But despite how long some of those notes are held, and how many ups and downs they make, they still seem to resolve quite nicely. Props for pulling that off.
You've got a cool track here, and I wish you the best of luck in the AIM! Also, is your pseudonym meant to conjure up the idea of Niccolò Machiavelli, or am I reading too much into it? Just curious. Cheers!