I think I could really enjoy this game...
...if the controls weren't so infuriatingly buggy. It looks and sounds beautiful, but every action from walking and jumping to shooting the claw glitches on a regular basis. Half of my button presses and mouse clicks are completely unresponsive.
First, Skinny won't stop walking. Then he won't jump or shoot the claw, but when he finally decides to do it the same command happens repeatedly. Watching him jump or fire the claw half a dozen times in rapid succession is really annoying. I didn't have any trouble with the wall jumping, except for when it glitched--then it became impossible. I don't know why it's so buggy, and I've tried a lot of different methods of playing the game to make it better, but nothing seems to fix the issue.
I really want to play this game, but it's simply unplayable with all these control problems. Other folks don't seem to be having these issues, but that doesn't help me. It's a shame, really. I had to quit playing in the Waterway (repeatedly) because I couldn't even work my way up and out of a chasm. I really hate giving up, but I wasn't given a choice. Well, at least I managed to play long enough to earn the first medal. All I can say is - if you're reading this - I hope it works better for you than it did for me.