
217 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 276 Reviews

Definitely not your usual fare, that's for sure. A very intriguing and wonderfully discordant tune, which is what I'm sure ultimately makes it a perfect fit for the BRUCE project. Ominous and creepy, but also fun in a really interesting way if you like eerie stuff--which I do!

It feels like just the right amount of time lapses before the intro crashes into existence once the final notes have are fading, so the loop sounds very clean. And man, you make that saxophone - which is a really hard instrument to use well from a VST perspective - sound quite good. I think the only song I've ever added sax to for release on Newgrounds was Echoes of Fading Dreams, which is of course a remix of your general MIDI track made for the NGDIC, Fading Dreams. Thought you might enjoy that fun little factoid. (;

I'm not entirely sure how many times I've listened to this now, to be honest. I just stop and listen for a bit, then go on writing my review some more. Audra must be a pretty bizarre and unique character to earn herself a theme like this, n'est-ce pas? :D

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Nope! A sound similar to what you hear here, is what was requested; that's why it's a bit different! But I'm glad it is, as it's always good to explore new areas :D
I did my very best to produce an interesting blend of sounds, in order to capture the creepines, a sense of "royalty", perhaps (with the timpani), and even some other feelings with the sax. Especially the choir, serves a certain purpose.

I could've made the loop even more smooth, but I like the idea of a short break for this one. Especially as the ending is a bit climactic. I'm pleased to hear that you find that to work well! I was a bit worried about the sax, as it isn't as good a sample as the rest of the intruments. I also wrote a pretty uncoventional melody for it :p
Apart from that, it's slightly drowned by the timpani, on some speakers. While this sax is okay in the end, I'm more fond of the way I managed to use a soundfont to write some okay melodies in another track:


And ahh yes, I remember your version of "Fading Dreams" very well. It's my favorite one (though there's another good one), so thank you once again for doing it! I did enjoy that facr for sure xD

Audra is definitely a bit of a special character. Out of all the tracks, I wanted her theme to stand out the most (more pieces of interesting music for BRUCE are still coming, eventually) [aka, "oui"].

Thank you for writing a nice review! :3
I'm really behind on all online stuff atm, as I'm too busy with studies >_>
I hope I'll have some more stuff to respond to people soon :p

Oh, so pretty! I'm not all that familiar with the anime, though the melody is strangely familiar. I do listen to a lot of random anime music playlists on YouTube while otherwise engaged, so I'm sure I've heard it before. Suffice to say, you play it beautifully! It's so bright and fun, and it sounds like there's some kind of soft oscillation going on that enhances the stereo field.

I really love all the great piano tracks you make, LSD! I'm totally biased because it's my favourite instrument, but hey--so be it. ^__~

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks a lot, Chrono :3
This is one of my favorite animes, but as I mentioned in the description, it's not very well known. You may very well have heard it before!
A video of it can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXDC0-cjdnA

Part of this piano version is based off of a version in the anime that is not on the OST, for some reason.
I really want to watch a new anime now, but I know I don't really have time... Ugh...

Thanks a lot for all the compliments! The piano is my favorite intrument too, hehhe, so I'm glad you like it :D

A very johnfn track, to be sure! I enjoyed the sound quite a bit, and I really like the pacing. The timing of the notes works very well, and - as you hinted at in your comments - there's a lot of really cool stuff going on in the background. I listened with a critical ear to all those little nuances that make the music so rich.

Once again the ending is cut off with undue suddenness, and that's always going to be one of my personal pet peeves. It's like watching a really good movie and having the power go out during the conclusion. I also felt that some of the call and response sections sounded too much like the main melody, and I couldn't help but think that a different instrument choice would have been better suited. I know going up (or down) an octave is standard procedure, but it seems less effective here due to the nature of the synth.

johnfn responds:


(EDIT: I updated the song and fixed most of these issues, except i made the ending worse because HA HA HA HAHAAAAAAAA)

Oh yeah, I love this! It's really energetic and fun. You've got a nice solid dance beat behind the music, a nice frenetic chord progression with some sweet arps, and the ending just plain works well.

I can picture this playing during a date between Mario and Princess Peach. Probably one where Bowser's off in the background, attempting to ruin it for them the entire time, and totally botching the job...so much that they never even notice his scheming. And in the end Bowser manages to blow himself up in spectacular fashion, thereby treating Mario and Peach to a fantastic fireworks display at the end of their incredible date night. xD

Evilgrapez responds:

Thanks! Haha, that's a funny scenario. I can totally see that happening! If someone were to make a flash movie of that with this playing in the background, I'd watch it! :P

Oh and also, funny thing, I used Peach and Triforce for this song, too, like your Pixel Day submission. You might have recognized some sounds from Peach. :P

Just thought I'd mention that. Thanks for the review!

I simply closed my eyes and allowed the music wash over me. The rich arpeggios and dynamic contrasts, weaving together a beautiful musical tapestry, simply carried me along the ebb and flow. Six minutes that felt like a single moment.

And then I listened a second time, taking the time to read your Author Comments and smile at the thought of that temporarily neglected report...

Then once more for an encore as I jot down a few ephemeral thoughts for you, my friend. Thank you for the memory. :)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Ahh, yes. I love just losing myself in what I'm listening to. I actually often just cover myself in my blanket, and lie there with headphones on and eyes closed. Simply listening to, and momentarily living through the music.

It's good to hear that the 6 minutes didn't feel dragged out. I've admired Phonometrologist's ability to write long tracks, that feel like a moment and like they end almost too quickly. I was a bit worried that the slow sections would bore many listeners out (and based on the score, it may have for some, but that's fine).

Ahh, yes. The report. It pains me to tell you that now; right now. I need to write it :'(
I am the worst and the laziest procrastinator out there, I think.

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen to such a long track, and for writing out your nice thoughts! It means a lot :3

You guys really came together to make an excellent track! Very appropriate to the peaceful hometown theme. There's this kind sleepy vibe at first, maybe a bit wistful. The piano at the beginning is soulful, some of the softer notes almost make it a bit sad. Then the variety of sound just opens right up, bringing to mind the daily routines of some bustling village in the highlands.

The mix is just so pretty, and all the instruments and percussion play beautifully together. Some exceptional transitions and very smooth key changes are present, which is certainly no surprise. The only thing that bothers me a bit is the bass at the end. I feel like the note is maintained a bit too long, but also doesn't fade enough since it cuts off abruptly right at the end, making the loop less seamless than it could be.

Suffice to say, this is one heck of a collab! You've nailed that RPG hometown feel as far as I'm concerned. Sure, it could be a lengthier track, but I think it accomplishes its goal rather nicely. :)

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Heh, I had a feeling you might like this track :)

Good to hear that it fits the theme we intended it to fit. You pretty much nailed it with your description. I actually never told anyone (probably not even Mattashi), but I imagined that piano in the intro playing when the main character wakes up in his/her bed, so you've got it right with that sleepy vibe! And when the track opens up, I imagine the character opening the door, and seeing the home town in peaceful action. So you got it perfectly right :D

Yeah. Mattashi's intrument picks, as well as the mixing is great. It really adds a lot to the atmosphere. The temporary key changes and transitions are of course of my making, which I'm sure you guessed (pretty standard LSD stuff :p).

And yes, haha:

"[04-01-2016 21:49:55] Mattashi: Im thinking of lowering the velocity on the bass
[04-01-2016 21:50:05] Mattashi: like it has a slap effect on it
[04-01-2016 21:50:06] Mattashi: xD
[04-01-2016 21:50:20 | Redigerat 21:50:25] Alexander Nyman: Yeah, I hear it. It doesn't bother me too much, but change it if you want to.
[04-01-2016 21:51:16] Mattashi: nah nvm
[04-01-2016 21:51:18] Mattashi: leave it in
[04-01-2016 21:51:20] Mattashi: xD
[04-01-2016 21:51:26] Alexander Nyman: Haha, ok XD"

You got us good :D

As for the loop, we could've used my standard trick I guess, but it might've ended with a splitsecond of noise when you press play, which realy wouldn't suit this piece. The cut off is a bit of a shame. But what bothers me more is that my playing in the intro is just a bit faster than the end, so you can hear a temporary tempo change :)

You got exactly everything that we thought about down in you review, so it's easy to conclude that you know your stuff!
Thanks a lot for the nice words, as always!!!

Aw, yeah! There's a lot of epic stuff going on in these two and a half minutes. You've made a really varied and dynamic track here, Lucid. One that truly fits the description of "Cinematic." It's no surprise that you ended up taking second place overall in the NGMT, and it's a real pleasure to be able to hear those tracks now that the contest has come to an end. Very well done!

The beginning really took me by surprise, mostly because it was a sound I hadn't really heard from you before, but also because I hadn't taken the time to read your description yet. Very appropriately dystopian with a cool Steampunk vibe. The backstory you've created here is like a new take on an age-old struggle, the classic story of questing for a better way of life, a world that isn't so corrupted with pollutants that the very sky above is obscured by black clouds and filth.

Hey, I kind of like that totally cheesy level of optimism! It always makes for the best stories. That one person or group of people who hold tightly to a slim thread of idealism and keep hoping for a brighter future when it would be so much simpler to just accept the way things are. Choosing to fight rather than languish in despair.

You know, those moments of almost silence around the one and a half minute mark are very meaningful, and even though it's a release of tension, you can just tell that something big is coming. Enter the low, soulful brass, followed by a rich harmony of strings, rising higher and higher toward that powerful crescendo. A feeling of success and triumph at the end of a long and arduous journey. To finally see those shining stars.

In fact, here are five well-earned stars for you.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

You impress me every time! You're one of the people that can really read into a track, and understand what the creator personally feels about a piece. That's a very good ability to have, and I think it's related to having a strong sense of empathy.

I had no hesitiation when picking a genre for this one, which is actually pretty unusual, unless it's a solo piano composition or something like that. Thanks for the compliment! This is the track, for the NGMT, which I put the most effort into. I'm okay with the second one I did, but the first one I feel was not ambitious enough, for being me. That is why I'm surprised I still managed to make it to such high rankings!

Your interpretation not only of the track, but of how it works in a more general sense is rather perfect. I was thinking of just that kind of a cheesy and generic story. What can I say? I am guilty of watching many a movie, and playing many a game during my lifetime.

I'm glad to hear that you can appreciate the silence too. It actually took a surprising amount of effort to get it to be the right amount of time long, according to my tastes. It's actually a trick I borrowed from Stravinsky's "Firebird Suite". But of course, it works way better with a long silence, and then a long calm part, and then a very powerful outro. I had to speed up the process a little, yet it still does its job :)

Thanks a ton, for another thoughtful review!

Simply superb, Lucid! The mixture of Piano One and Yamaha Clavinova lends itself well to the piece, creating a sound that is very full and rich. And by heaven, you certainly did bang this out rather speedily! I am duly impressed. Just one more to go, eh? Gambatte!

I am sorry to hear that your neighbour is so intolerant, not to mention rather unstable. The actual percussive sound of striking the keys bothers him? How utterly absurd, though I have admittedly come into contact with a similar ilk in my time. Such a shame, and I hope that he doesn't punch any holes in the walls with his bloody cane! Methinks he could use a nice, relaxing cup of tea...

All that aside, I do indeed hear some familiar nuances from anime and video games, and since I've been playing the FFX HD Remaster quite a bit lately, it would be hard to not make comparisons even if part of it weren't rather reminiscent of sections from the Ending Theme. But regardless of all those little moments of nostalgia, this piece remains wholly new and original...and totally you.

On a side note, I'm not sure when I'll be releasing my next track, but I am currently working on a little something for Pixel Day! There will also be another singalong starting up around mid January, though Step won't officially be available for mixing until February. Suffice to say, there may or may not be something before January 23rd... Time will tell! :D

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thanks a lot for writing another huge review! I can't wait to get my "revenge" on you :)

Yeah, I find that both my Clavinova and Piano One are good in their own ways, but none of them is really perfect alone. I thought I'd blend them, and the results are pretty neat. It's not the best available sound out there, but it will do :)

And I am indeed guilty of banging on the piano keys for sure. But it's necessary to play with emotion! Thanks; the final piece is a secret special that's already ready for upload on the 31th.

My neighbour probably has some real anger issues. He kept on banging full power more than a minute after I had stopped playing... I mean, yes, he can hear
the percussive sound from the keys through the walls, but still. I always play during day time, when youre allowed to. And sometimes he starts literally in the same minute as I do :(
I'm afraid that he's beyond being rescued by tea, despite its magical calming powers.

And yeah. That FFX Ending Theme thing is the only thing I intentionally mimicked, because I know Jordi likes the piece. I should replay the game too!!! I know that a few parts also sound a bit like the FF7 soundtrack (like the Piano Collections arrangement of Tifa's Theme).
I'm glad to hear that this sounds original in the end though; I worked really hard on this piece today. I wanted it to still have that LSD quality to it, of course. Wouldn't want to disappoint :D

Oh yes! I can't wait to hear something new from you, as I've probably already told you a few times!! :O

I'm looking forward to your Pixel Day track, and of course, for yet another of the amazing singalongs!

Be well, my friend :3

Can you believe that I penned your very first review on Facing the Foe way back on September 8th? Why, I would be entirely remiss if I failed to offer up another one now!

I quite like the original, as I'm sure you are aware (*cough* wall of text *cough*), and you guys totally took me to task with it in the NGADM, but you know...there is just something special about an all piano arrangement that really strikes a chord. Pun absolutely intended. ^__~

The loop, as BlueOceans has mentioned previously, sounds entirely seamless. That said, as a fellow composer I can truly appreciate that feeling that nothing is ever perfect, and I find your modesty refreshing. I also remember you mentioning before how you had composed Facing the Foe on piano, and very little of said piano remained in the ADM version, so finally getting to listen to it as it was originally written is a real pleasure! By now I'm quite sure you know just how very partial I am to the sound of those little black and white keys.

Suffice to say, this piece is - and shall remain - a triumph. You have swiftly risen in the ranks of my favourite audio wizards, and you always have the nicest things to say in your own reviews and responses. Have yourself a fantastic New Year, Lucid! I don't know about squeezing three more tracks out before we ring in 2016, but I suppose if anyone can do it...you can. :D

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Ahh, I always love your reviews :)
Before I forget, great job on the latest sing-along (So awesome o.O)!

Indeed, thank you for your reviewings. They are a pleasure to read, and make me happy inside :D
Great pun XD
I agree. The piano is, quite obviously, my intrument of choice (That pun is also definitely intended :3).

Yeah, the loop is pretty seamless. I honestly just got lucky, believe it or not! I started the track with free tempo, and ended it with free tempo. Only thing is, there is a slight almost inaudible click sound at the loop (easier to hear with good headphones).

And yes. I couldn't much fit the piano in the orchestraded version of this track. It's partly audible around the middle section, but it's definitely not a main deal om the piece. This is actually a really fun composition to play, and it's not as difficult as it may seem. You only really need to be able to roll your left hand up and down scales, and you've got it covered.
I've been waiting to upload this version for pretty long, but time flew, and I never recorded it, until now :p

There is something quite special in this piece for me too. I don't think I'll be able to compose a better battle theme for a while...
I'm honored to be considered among the top by you. Now, you need to submit something new, ughh! I want to listen to some of your calm, relaxing, beautiful music, dude :O

I hope you have a great New Year as well, Chrono! Hehhe, and about those tracks. Two are already done (one is an improvisation I'm going to upload within 2 hours, and the other one is a secret). And the third one, I will compose today (you could say I got some inspiration, heh).

Thanks a lot, and see you in 2016! :D!!!

Ah, this is another very pretty reimagining, Lucid! You outdid yourself with the 2014 version, and this is a very light and airy successor. The overall pacing and a bit of the note progression bring to mind Epilogue to Good Friends from Chrono Trigger, which I'm sure you're familiar with. :D

Hope you've been enjoying your Christmastime thoroughly. By the sounds of things, you have indeed! ;) Maljanne!

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

Thank you for another nice review, Chrono! :3

I'm afraid I'll have a tough time with surmounting the 2014 version, pianowise. I'm planning on remaking this piece in several different genres, in the coming years. I really love the sound of music boxes, so I thought it both pracical (I'm so busy, aagh!), and pretty to use it as a solo intrument for the entire piece :)

I can definitely hear the resemblance to "Epilogue to Good Friends"! Such a good piece (Actually reminds me a bit of Final Fantasy's "Final Fantasy"). I'll let you in on a secret. While you might not think it, "Christmas Memories" actually took huge inspiration from "Terra's Theme" from FF6 :)
You can hear it in the rhythm, and some of the chord progressions.

Ooh, "Maljanne" is a pretty cool song. I actually hadn't hear it before. I've been enjoying my Christmas, even if there's a lot to do. I hope you've enjoyed yours as well!

Merry Christmas XD

I'm just a guy who enjoys a wide variety of artistic pursuits, both professionally and in my free time. Please check out my musical repertoire, and if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to leave a review or send me a message.

Age 48, Male

Enigmatic Paradox

University of Hard Knocks

Michigan, US of A

Joined on 2/10/05

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